Olfactory Challenge
Tonight I decided to figure out what was stinking around our house. Checked the garage - nothing. Walked around the house - nothing, until I approached the back door. There, lying against the house beneath a boxwood shrub was a badly decomposed animal. Couldn't tell what it was upon cursory examination. It was grossly distended, denuded of fur except for its head and tail and covered with maggots. It was an olfactory challenge of the first order. Gag. No more food stories. I found a large scoop shovel and gingerly removed it from the flower bed. The alternating stripes on the tail suggested it was "old brother coon". I didn't give him a "proper" burial, unless dumping him at the edge of the woods would qualify. Man, it's fun living in the country. Reminded me a little of the Great Outdoors - John Candy, et. al.
Trivia: From Far Side Calendar 2000: Mrs. Fyodor Vassilyev was quite prolific. She had 16 sets of twins, 7 sets of triplets, 4 sets of quadruplets, 69 in all and "none of them write", she laments.
Trivia: From Far Side Calendar 2000: Mrs. Fyodor Vassilyev was quite prolific. She had 16 sets of twins, 7 sets of triplets, 4 sets of quadruplets, 69 in all and "none of them write", she laments.