Up Up and Away
Why is it the guy with least knowledge is always left to manage the store? Yesterday we had some chimney caps replaced (the old sheet metal ones were 26 years old). Had to rent a lift (boom with basket) to install them. Well, the sheet metal company lifted two men to the roof and one man was in the basket running the controls and passing the new caps to the installers. I was on the ground watching (and praying that none of them would fall). The caps were passed off and the man in the basket prepared to lower the boom (not in a figurative sense). Midway between the roof and the ground the rig stalled. So there I am, three men in the air, trying to make something good out of the situation. Long story, short, I fiddled and diddled with the switches until I fianlly got it running, but it wouldn't activate the hydraulics. So, I called the rental agency and they sent a man out to rescue us. Meanwhile the trapped sheetmetal workers sunbathed, told stories and contemplated their respective navels. In no time at all the renatl company repairman had us going (switched some wires around) and it all ended well. But it did emphasize the point --- the guy with least experience/skill is always left watching the store.
at least you tried to help them out! I'd have probably sent them crashing to the ground in a heap.
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