Julie asked for the SHIVER story. Several years ago we decided on a summer treat at TCBY. We loaded into the van and headed for town. One of the featured items was a new and improved SHIVER. It sounded so appealing on a hot summer evening. I took the orders (no small task - always a lot of confusion and noise) and then pushed the button to place our order. "May I help you", came the friendly voice from inside. "Yes, I'd like yadda, yadda, yadda ... and oh yes, a shiver (I pronounced it shy ver)" "What's that, Sir?" she asked. "A shy ver", I replied. "I don't know what you're saying, Sir". " A SHY VER, and then I spelled it out very slowly and deliberately, as if speaking to someone who didn't speak the language - S-H-I-V-E-R - SHY VER!!!! After a longer than usual pause I was directed to "pull to the first window, Sir." I found out later it is pronounced SHIVER as in trembling on a cold winter day. To her credit the girl at the window was very cordial, and after seeing the customer face to face, probably understood why he couldn't get it right. I would like to have been a fly on the wall after we drove away. No doubt there was uncontrollable laughter. Sometimes we think we're right and the other person is too dense to understand. In this case I was the dunce.
The female sundae is my kind of humor. Pure corn ball.
Also one of my favorites!
Thanks for the good laughs.
I am so glad to have heard the Shiver story again! :) I do miss those good stories. Sure, Kentucky has it's share, but not the same as one of the McClains! Glad that you are blogging again!
i am not sure i have ever heard this one--WOW!! :)
when my family and i moved back to the states from australia, my uncle thought it would be a really great joke to send in my sister to baskin robbins...and place an order for a couple of BURGERS.
hahaha :)
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