Don't know if that's even a proper phrase, but No mas was uttered by a middleweight fighter (can't remember the name) when he was unable to answer the bell in a championship fight. Nada mas might be more correct, but that's what he said. I think it means no more, nothing else, etc. Well, the reason I want no more fudge is because I made myself very sick on fudge topping. As you can tell from previous posts, I tend to overdo it when it comes to food. Especially items I like. About 10 years ago I had taken a call from the hospital. While passing through the kitchen on the way back to bed I was struck by an enormous hunger pang. Remedy. Look in the fridge. Not too promising at first, but then I spotted a large bowl of fudge topping. It was a large Pyrex bowl and there was at least 3-4 inches remaining in the bottom. I grabbed a large serving spoon and helped myself. Not bad. I started toward the bedroom, but a strong force of some sort pulled me back to the fridge. This time I got a bowl and filled it about half full. By the time I finished the bowl, I had reached a state of mind that pushed me onward and upward. The feeding frenzy had begun. No muses, no weird sounds or other distractions - just a big bowl of topping begging to be eaten. There was no turning back. I sat down with a spoon and in a matter of minutes devoured the entire bowl!! The rest of the story is more painful to recount. About 30 minutes after I returned to bed, I was awakened by an intense urge to get to the john. At about the same time I began having intense leg cramps. They were so intense that my heels were drawn up to my buttocks. The pain accompanying the cramps caused me to break out in a sweat. So there I was - sweating, cramping, stomach rolling with peristaltic waves and needing to be someplace really bad, and unable to stand because of hamstring spasms. I did the only thing I could - I rolled out of bed onto the floor and CRAWLED to the bathroom. I was there a long time. Why did I do it? "Why can't you do things in moderation?" I wondered, etc. etc. I really did learn my lesson and it is FUDGE NO MAS - FUDGE NO MAS - FUDGE NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMASSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.
Addendum: The middleweight boxer was Roberto Duran. He lost to Sugar Ray Leonard. Odd coincidence -- in the 8th round he began having severe stomach cramps and couldn't answer the bell. Threw up his hands and said, "No mas."
Had they looked, they probably would have found a bowl with traces of fudge topping in his locker room.
Oh, Dr. McClain, how I have enjoyed all these food posts! I never knew all these things about you! I truly love your stories...they make me laugh out loud. Please keep writing!!!
"the other sister"
i'm just now (sept 3) getting to catch up on all these posts, and they're incredible!!
i've been laughing aloud--very LOUDLY--as i can just picture these things happening.
they're so great! you're such an amazing story teller; your stories truly could be compiled into a best seller!! :) :) :)
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