Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Bye Bye Birdie

Odd thing. In the last week we've had TWO hummingbirds flying around in our garage. Even tho the overhead doors are wide open, they continue to hover above the doors in their parked positions. I found the first one on the floor near the back door. It was motionless and I thought it was dead, but when I picked it up by its wing, it revived and flew back above the doors. The next morning I again found it by the back door. This time it wasn't moving and couldn't be revived. I can only assume it ran out of food and water. They consume massive amounts of calories and there was no food or water in the garage. Today I spotted another one; again circling above the doors and making an eerie, almost bat-like sound. This mixed with the beating of the wings created a weird audible. Instead of letting it come to an unfortunate demise like his "cousin", I decided to take action. I found an old fishing net which was about 2 feet in diameter. I missed the bird the first few passes but was finally successful in catching him. Since his wings were caught in the net he didn't struggle too much. I released him in the front yard and felt I had qualified for the Be Kind to Animals award - at least this one time. Still don't know why they're attracted to our garage. It goes without saying there are no flowers in there and no fruity odors that I can detect. Maybe it's an avian version of suicide bombing or a death wish of some sort. Would be interested in knowing if anyone else has had such an experience. Later.


Blogger sirrom said...

Addendum: The hummingbird was not in the yard where I released him yesterday. He lives to hum again. Adios, little bird.

8:29 AM  

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