Friday, September 23, 2005


Don't remember how this got started, but we now play a game with my grandsons, Charlie and Zach, that goes like this. When you are asked a question, you substitute "jes" for "yes". They are quick to remind you, "No, you got to say "yes", Papa. Sometimes they can be totally preoccupied - "zoned-out" - and you can say "jes" out of the blue, and they will immediately pounce on it. "No, you got to say "yes". I guess that is how we multi-task. We do one thing at a subliminal or subconscious level and one or two others at a conscious level. Amazing thing, that brain of ours.

Thursday, September 22, 2005


Came across an email forwarded to me by David McClain in 2001. I especially liked these: "If I live to be a hundred, I want to be 100 minus one day, so I never have to live without you." Winnie the Pooh. And also, "A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words." Anonymous. Finally, "Animals are such great friends - they ask no questions, they pass no criticism." George Eliot

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Bye Bye Birdie

Odd thing. In the last week we've had TWO hummingbirds flying around in our garage. Even tho the overhead doors are wide open, they continue to hover above the doors in their parked positions. I found the first one on the floor near the back door. It was motionless and I thought it was dead, but when I picked it up by its wing, it revived and flew back above the doors. The next morning I again found it by the back door. This time it wasn't moving and couldn't be revived. I can only assume it ran out of food and water. They consume massive amounts of calories and there was no food or water in the garage. Today I spotted another one; again circling above the doors and making an eerie, almost bat-like sound. This mixed with the beating of the wings created a weird audible. Instead of letting it come to an unfortunate demise like his "cousin", I decided to take action. I found an old fishing net which was about 2 feet in diameter. I missed the bird the first few passes but was finally successful in catching him. Since his wings were caught in the net he didn't struggle too much. I released him in the front yard and felt I had qualified for the Be Kind to Animals award - at least this one time. Still don't know why they're attracted to our garage. It goes without saying there are no flowers in there and no fruity odors that I can detect. Maybe it's an avian version of suicide bombing or a death wish of some sort. Would be interested in knowing if anyone else has had such an experience. Later.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Oh Boy Oberto!!

My wife, Practical Pat, brought home a treat today. It was a new product, Oberto Beef Jerky Crisps. Advertised as "high in protein" with 13 grams per 30 g serving. They are made by Oberto Sausage Company in Seattle, WA. That gave me a little pause - remember the old saying, "There are two things you don't want to see made - legislation and sausage". But guess what else hails from Seattle? You got it - STARBUCKS!!! So I thought I'd give them a try. First of all, there were only about 6 or 7 chips in the whole bag. Is it cost effective to package something that small? Well, they weren't the freshest thing I've ever eaten (but I eat year old hard tacks, so what's the big deal?) but I kept munching nonetheless. Scary thing happened. I almost didn't notice the hygroscopic packet in the bottom of the bag. It was about the size of the chips and by tactile perception alone (I was feeling, not looking at what I was eating) it seemed like just another chip. Luckily, I saw the striking difference in color just before cramming it in my mouth. It was labeled O2-Zero. Do Not Eat with a "Thou shalt not" international symbol (circle with a 2 to 8 diagonal). I quickly withdrew the "chip" and was saved another disgusting food experience.