alimento reciclado
Was reading Jennie's blog and came across a post by Jackie Sue. Linked over to her blog and read about her 10 month old son and his hurling episode. Reminded me of something that happened to me many years ago. I was working for Del Monte Foods in Rochelle, IL. I had just finished my freshman year in college and was up there making big money ($1.12/hr.) working in the pea pack (Sweet peas/English peas). One night after work we got all spiffed up and headed for town. Since we had been eating the camp cook's offerings for about 2-3 weeks we were ready for some real food. Burgers, fries and cokes for the whole bunch. I was sitting in the back seat with my head out the window, taking in the cool night air and yelling at the passers-by. Wasn't paying attention to anybody or anything! Unbeknownst to me, the guy in the passenger seat up front had cleared his throat and with a mighty "patooie" spat into the night air. You can guess where it ended up. Yep. In the mouth of the guy in the back seat with his head out the window. My texture problems began that day. Second hand ground beef! Ugh! Double ugh!! I thought I would never get my mouth cleaned out. We remained friends as only two people who have shared a burger can. This is probably a little gross to post. Apologies to the weak at heart/stomach.