With my luck ...
My father-in-law, Merrill Marshall has less than his share of luck. When he was in the dairy business, he was trying to qualify for "Grade A" and had almost completed building his herd when an electrical storm hit. The cows were all clustered under a huge tree. Unfortunately, a lightening bolt hit the tree and killed all but one of the cows. Well, he slowly recovered and again was nearing the Grade A designation when a load of contaminated bulk feed was delivered to his barn. Somehow, a large quanity of ammonium nitrate got mixed in with the feed and the cows started dropping like flies - literally. His persistence paid off and he was finally able to go from selling to the cheese factory to Grade A. The other day during the course of a conversation, he made the remark, "With my luck, if it was raining soup, I'd have a fork!!" Knowing what I know about his past, I would have to agree.